class documentation

Artist for an igraph.Graph object.

graphAn igraph.Graph object to plot
layoutA layout object or matrix of coordinates to use for plotting. Each element or row should describes the coordinates for a vertex.
vertex_styleA dictionary specifying style options for vertices.
edge_styleA dictionary specifying style options for edges.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method contains Track 'contains' event for mouse interactions.
Method draw Draw each of the children, with some buffering mechanism.
Method get_children Undocumented
Method get_datalim Get limits on x/y axes based on the graph layout data.
Method get_edge_labels Get list of edge label artists.
Method get_edges Get EdgeCollection artist.
Method get_groups Get HullCollection group/cluster/cover artists.
Method get_vertex_labels Get list of vertex label artists.
Method get_vertices Get VertexCollection artist.
Method pick Track 'pick' event for mouse interactions.
Method set Set multiple parameters at once.
Instance Variable graph Undocumented
Instance Variable kwds Undocumented
Instance Variable legend_info Undocumented
Instance Variable stale Undocumented
Method _clear_state Undocumented
Method _draw_edge_labels Undocumented
Method _draw_edges Draw the edges
Method _draw_groups Draw the highlighted vertex groups, if requested
Method _draw_vertex_labels Undocumented
Method _draw_vertices Draw the vertices
Method _kwds_post_update Undocumented
Method _reprocess Prepare artist and children for the actual drawing.
Method _set_edge_curve Undocumented
Instance Variable _edge_builder Undocumented
Instance Variable _edge_drawer Undocumented
Instance Variable _edge_drawer_factory Undocumented
Instance Variable _edge_labels Undocumented
Instance Variable _edge_order Undocumented
Instance Variable _edges Undocumented
Instance Variable _groups Undocumented
Instance Variable _legend_info Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertex_builder Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertex_drawer Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertex_drawer_factory Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertex_labels Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertex_order Undocumented
Instance Variable _vertices Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractGraphDrawer:

Static Method ensure_layout Helper method that ensures that layout is an instance of Layout. If it is not, the method will try to convert it to a Layout according to the following rules:
Static Method _determine_edge_order Returns the order in which the edge of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (edge_order and edge_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither edge_order...
Static Method _determine_vertex_order Returns the order in which the vertices of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (vertex_order and vertex_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither ...
def __init__(self, graph, vertex_drawer_factory=MatplotlibVertexDrawer, edge_drawer_factory=MatplotlibEdgeDrawer, mark_groups=None, layout=None, palette=None, **kwds): (source)


def contains(self, mouseevent): (source)

Track 'contains' event for mouse interactions.

def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwds): (source)

Draw each of the children, with some buffering mechanism.

def get_children(self): (source)


def get_datalim(self): (source)

Get limits on x/y axes based on the graph layout data.

There is a small padding based on the size of the vertex marker to ensure it fits into the canvas.

def get_edge_labels(self): (source)

Get list of edge label artists.

def get_edges(self): (source)

Get EdgeCollection artist.

def get_groups(self): (source)

Get HullCollection group/cluster/cover artists.

def get_vertex_labels(self): (source)

Get list of vertex label artists.

def get_vertices(self): (source)

Get VertexCollection artist.

def pick(self, mouseevent): (source)

Track 'pick' event for mouse interactions.

def set(self, **kwds): (source)

Set multiple parameters at once.

The same options can be used as in the igraph.plot function.



legend_info = (source)



def _clear_state(self): (source)


def _draw_edge_labels(self): (source)


def _draw_edges(self): (source)

Draw the edges

def _draw_groups(self): (source)

Draw the highlighted vertex groups, if requested

def _draw_vertex_labels(self): (source)


def _draw_vertices(self): (source)

Draw the vertices

def _kwds_post_update(self): (source)


def _reprocess(self): (source)

Prepare artist and children for the actual drawing.

Children are not drawn here, but the dictionaries of properties are marshalled to their specific artists.

def _set_edge_curve(self): (source)


_edge_builder = (source)


_edge_drawer = (source)


_edge_drawer_factory = (source)


_edge_labels: list = (source)


_edge_order = (source)




_legend_info: dict = (source)


_vertex_builder = (source)


_vertex_drawer = (source)


_vertex_drawer_factory = (source)


_vertex_labels: list = (source)


_vertex_order = (source)


_vertices = (source)
