class documentation

Graph drawer that uses a pyplot.Axes as context

Method __init__ Constructs the graph drawer and associates it with the plotly Figure
Method draw Abstract method, must be implemented in derived classes.
Instance Variable edge_drawer_factory Undocumented
Instance Variable fig Undocumented
Instance Variable vertex_drawer_factory Undocumented
Class Variable _shape_dict Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractGraphDrawer:

Static Method ensure_layout Helper method that ensures that layout is an instance of Layout. If it is not, the method will try to convert it to a Layout according to the following rules:
Static Method _determine_edge_order Returns the order in which the edge of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (edge_order and edge_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither edge_order...
Static Method _determine_vertex_order Returns the order in which the vertices of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (vertex_order and vertex_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither ...
def __init__(self, fig, vertex_drawer_factory=PlotlyVerticesDrawer, edge_drawer_factory=PlotlyEdgeDrawer): (source)

Constructs the graph drawer and associates it with the plotly Figure

figthe plotly.graph_objects.Figure to draw into.
def draw(self, graph, *args, **kwds): (source)

Abstract method, must be implemented in derived classes.

edge_drawer_factory = (source)



vertex_drawer_factory = (source)


_shape_dict: dict[str, str] = (source)
