class documentation

Matplotlib backend-specific vertex drawer.

Method __init__ Constructs the vertex drawer and associates it to the given palette.
Method draw Build the Artist for a vertex and return it.
Instance Variable context Undocumented
Instance Variable VisualVertexBuilder Undocumented
Method _construct_visual_vertex_builder Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractVertexDrawer:

Instance Variable layout Undocumented
Instance Variable palette Undocumented
def __init__(self, ax, palette, layout): (source)

Constructs the vertex drawer and associates it to the given palette.

palettethe palette that can be used to map integer color indices to colors when drawing vertices
layoutthe layout of the vertices in the graph being drawn
def draw(self, visual_vertex, vertex, coords): (source)

Build the Artist for a vertex and return it.


VisualVertexBuilder = (source)


def _construct_visual_vertex_builder(self): (source)
