module documentation

Drawing routines to draw graphs.

This module contains routines to draw graphs on:

It also contains routines to send an igraph graph directly to (Cytoscape) using the (CytoscapeRPC plugin), see CytoscapeGraphDrawer. CytoscapeGraphDrawer can also fetch the current network from Cytoscape and convert it to igraph format.

Class GraphArtist Artist for an igraph.Graph object.
Class MatplotlibGraphDrawer Graph drawer that uses a pyplot.Axes as context
Variable mpl Undocumented
Variable plt Undocumented
Function _additional_set_methods Decorator to add specific set methods for children properties.
Function _forwarder Decorator to forward specific methods to Artist children.
Function _stale_wrapper Decorator to manage artist state.



def _additional_set_methods(attributes, cls=None): (source)

Decorator to add specific set methods for children properties.

def _forwarder(forwards, cls=None): (source)

Decorator to forward specific methods to Artist children.

def _stale_wrapper(func): (source)

Decorator to manage artist state.