class documentation

Abstract base class for vertex drawers that draw on a Cairo canvas.

Method __init__ Constructs the vertex drawer and associates it to the given Cairo context and the given BoundingBox.

Inherited from AbstractVertexDrawer:

Method draw Draws the given vertex.
Instance Variable layout Undocumented
Instance Variable palette Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractCairoDrawer (via AbstractVertexDrawer):

Method bbox.setter Sets the bounding box of the drawing area where this drawer will draw.
Instance Variable context Undocumented
Property bbox The bounding box of the drawing area where this drawer will draw.
Method _mark_point Marks the given point with a small circle on the canvas. Used primarily for debugging purposes.
Instance Variable _bbox Undocumented
def __init__(self, context, bbox, palette, layout): (source)

Constructs the vertex drawer and associates it to the given Cairo context and the given BoundingBox.

contextthe context on which we will draw
bboxthe bounding box within which we will draw. Can be anything accepted by the constructor of BoundingBox (i.e., a 2-tuple, a 4-tuple or a BoundingBox object).
palettethe palette that can be used to map integer color indices to colors when drawing vertices
layoutthe layout of the vertices in the graph being drawn