class documentation

class MatplotlibDendrogramDrawer(AbstractDrawer):

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Matplotlib drawer object for dendrograms.

Method __init__ Constructs the drawer and associates it to the given Axes.
Method draw Draws the given Dendrogram in a matplotlib Axes.
Instance Variable context Undocumented
Method _plot_item Plots a dendrogram item to the given Cairo context
def __init__(self, ax):

Constructs the drawer and associates it to the given Axes.

axthe Axes on which we will draw
def draw(self, dendro, orientation='lr', **kwds):

Draws the given Dendrogram in a matplotlib Axes.

Other keyword arguments are passed to mpl.patches.Polygon.

dendrothe igraph.Dendrogram to plot.
orientationthe direction of the plot. Accepted values are "lr" (root on the right), "rl" (root on the left), "tb" (root at the bottom), and "bt" (root at the top). A few aliases are available (see utils.str_to_orientation).
context =


def _plot_item(self, dendro, ax, orientation, idx, x, y):

Plots a dendrogram item to the given Cairo context

dendrothe dendrogram object
orientationwhether the dendrogram is horizontally oriented
idxthe index of the item
xthe X position of the item
ythe Y position of the item