class documentation

class PrecalculatedPalette(Palette):

Known subclasses: igraph.drawing.colors.ClusterColoringPalette

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A palette that returns colors from a pre-calculated list of colors

Method __init__ Creates the palette backed by the given list. The list must contain RGBA quadruplets or color names, which will be resolved first by color_name_to_rgba(). Anything that is understood by color_name_to_rgba()...
Method _get This method will only be called if the requested color index is outside the size of the palette. In that case, we throw an exception

Inherited from Palette:

Method __len__ Returns the number of colors in this palette
Method __plot__ Plots the colors of the palette on the given Cairo context/mpl Axes
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method clear_cache Clears the result cache.
Method get Returns the given color from the palette.
Method get_many Returns multiple colors from the palette.
Property length Returns the number of colors in this palette
Instance Variable _cache Undocumented
Instance Variable _length Undocumented
def __init__(self, items):

Creates the palette backed by the given list. The list must contain RGBA quadruplets or color names, which will be resolved first by color_name_to_rgba(). Anything that is understood by color_name_to_rgba() is OK here.

def _get(self, v):

This method will only be called if the requested color index is outside the size of the palette. In that case, we throw an exception