class documentation

class DescartesCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem):

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Class implementing a 2D Descartes coordinate system object.

Method __init__ Initializes the coordinate system.
Method bbox.setter Sets the bounding box of the coordinate system
Method bounds.setter Sets the lower and upper bounds of the X and Y values
Method draw Draws the coordinate system.
Method local_to_context Converts local coordinates to the context coordinate system (given by the bounding box).
Property bbox Returns the bounding box of the coordinate system
Property bounds Returns the lower and upper bounds of the X and Y values
Method _recalc_scale_factors Recalculates some cached scale factors used within the class
Instance Variable _bbox Undocumented
Instance Variable _bounds Undocumented
Instance Variable _ox Undocumented
Instance Variable _ox2 Undocumented
Instance Variable _oy Undocumented
Instance Variable _oy2 Undocumented
Instance Variable _sx Undocumented
Instance Variable _sy Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractCairoDrawer (via CoordinateSystem):

Instance Variable context Undocumented
Method _mark_point Marks the given point with a small circle on the canvas. Used primarily for debugging purposes.
def __init__(self, context, bbox, bounds):

Initializes the coordinate system.

contextthe context on which the coordinate system will be drawn.
bboxthe bounding box that will contain the coordinate system.
boundsminimum and maximum X and Y values in a 4-tuple.
def bbox(self, bbox):

Sets the bounding box of the coordinate system

def bounds(self, bounds):

Sets the lower and upper bounds of the X and Y values

def draw(self):

Draws the coordinate system.

def local_to_context(self, x, y):

Converts local coordinates to the context coordinate system (given by the bounding box).

bbox =

Returns the bounding box of the coordinate system

bounds =

Returns the lower and upper bounds of the X and Y values

def _recalc_scale_factors(self):

Recalculates some cached scale factors used within the class

_bounds =


_ox =


_ox2 =


_oy =


_oy2 =


_sx =


_sy =
