class documentation

Abstract class that serves as a base class for anything that draws an igraph.Graph.

Static Method ensure_layout Helper method that ensures that layout is an instance of Layout. If it is not, the method will try to convert it to a Layout according to the following rules:
Method draw Abstract method, must be implemented in derived classes.
Static Method _determine_edge_order Returns the order in which the edge of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (edge_order and edge_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither edge_order...
Static Method _determine_vertex_order Returns the order in which the vertices of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (vertex_order and vertex_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither ...
def ensure_layout(layout, graph=None):

Helper method that ensures that layout is an instance of Layout. If it is not, the method will try to convert it to a Layout according to the following rules:

  • If layout is a string, it is assumed to be a name of an igraph layout, and it will be passed on to the layout method of the given graph if graph is not None.
  • If layout is None, the layout method of graph will be invoked with no parameters, which will call the default layout algorithm.
  • Otherwise, layout will be passed on to the constructor of Layout. This handles lists of lists, lists of tuples and such.

If layout is already a Layout instance, it will still be copied and a copy will be returned. This is because graph drawers are allowed to transform the layout for their purposes, and we don't want the transformation to propagate back to the caller.

def _determine_edge_order(graph, kwds):

Returns the order in which the edge of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (edge_order and edge_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither edge_order nor edge_order_by is present in kwds, this function returns None to indicate that the graph drawer is free to choose the most convenient edge ordering.

def _determine_vertex_order(graph, kwds):

Returns the order in which the vertices of the given graph have to be drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (vertex_order and vertex_order_by) are given in kwds as a dictionary. If neither vertex_order nor vertex_order_by is present in kwds, this function returns None to indicate that the graph drawer is free to choose the most convenient vertex ordering.